when you have done it for one of the least of these,
you have done it for me....
Matthew 25:40
Trinity Church puts its faith into action by serving those who are hungry, caring for those in need around the world, and advocating for change in our own community. We have provided ministry for imprisoned youth, COVID vaccine clinics for Pacific Islanders, food distribution with Aloha Harvest, lobbied for climate change and prison reform, as well as provided a food and clothing bank at our own church. We also have caring ministries for our own church kupuna, an intercessory prayer team, and spiritual education for all ages. Volunteers are always welcome. Training is provided!

Make a difference
Next step shelter
Every other 1st Wednesday, we provide over 300 meals for those who are hungry and staying at the Next Step Shelter in Kaka'ako. The team gathers for devotions at church and then carpool to a large kitchen downtown to cook. The food is then delivered to be served by Next Step staff. Help is always needed with
donations, cooking, and delivery.
donations, cooking, and delivery.
Faith action
Faith Action for Community Equity
is a grassroots, interfaith, non-profit organization driven by a deep spiritual commitment to improving the quality of life for our members and all the people of Hawaii. Through our common values and collective power, we address the root causes of social justice challenges facing our community.
is a grassroots, interfaith, non-profit organization driven by a deep spiritual commitment to improving the quality of life for our members and all the people of Hawaii. Through our common values and collective power, we address the root causes of social justice challenges facing our community.
Showers & Blessings
There is poverty and homelessness, even in our own back yard. This ministry provides a hot meal, canned food, clothing, toiletries, showers and fellowship for those on the West side go Oahu once a month. Our informal setting allows us to care not only for physical needs, but also for emotional and spiritual needs. We focus on building relationships so that everyone may experience the love of God.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
There is a place for you! Help is needed in serving our community, caring for one another,
and spreading the good news of Jesus! Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours,
you make a difference. Sign up TODAY!
and spreading the good news of Jesus! Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours,
you make a difference. Sign up TODAY!